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Tevily – Travel Agency


A demonstration of website design for my portfolio.

This project stands out as particularly intriguing amidst the myriad of websites I’ve created.

Its uniqueness primarily stems from the implementation of a booking system, which posed a distinctive challenge.

Over the course of two days, I dedicated myself to meticulously configuring and refining the booking system to ensure its seamless functionality.

Following this crucial phase, I devoted an additional four days to crafting the page designs and layouts, striving to strike the perfect balance between aesthetic appeal and user experience.

One of the most notable aspects of this project was the sheer volume of pages it encompassed—over 15 in total.

Navigating through such a vast array of pages presented its own set of challenges, requiring steadfast perseverance and unwavering commitment.

Beyond the technical intricacies of the booking system and the multitude of pages, this project served as a testament to the importance of consistency in the face of adversity.

By maintaining a steadfast focus and unwavering dedication to excellence, I successfully navigated through the project’s complexities, ultimately delivering a website that met my expectations.

  • Date: јануар 25, 2020
  • Client Tevily
  • Link: Tevily